Tennessee Kidney Foundation CEO Appointed to Mayor’s Task Force for Transit and Affordability — Tennessee Kidney Foundation

Heather Powell has led TKF since 2016 and has 13 years of experience in affordable housing and medical housing. TKF serves vulnerable, low-income individuals with kidney failure for whom affordable housing close to transit is necessary to survival.



NASHVILLE, Tenn.Nov. 8, 2017PRLog — Tennessee Kidney Foundation (TKF) CEO, Heather Powell, was appointed by Mayor Megan Barry to the Transit and Affordability Task Force, which convenes on Nov. 8, 2017 to identify policies and strategies to support small business and affordable housing growth along transit corridors.

TKF serves vulnerable clients throughout Middle Tennessee, most of whom are at or below federal poverty level, for whom transportation is the lifeline to life-sustaining treatment for end stage renal disease (ESRD). ESRD patients travel to treatment three times per week, utilizing public transportation and paratransit options like MTA’s Access Ride. These individuals not only must be able to afford transit, they must have proximity to transit. More than 4,500 people in the Nashville area have end stage renal disease and the number affected grows by 10% or more annually.

“Transportation is the single largest barrier to care for end stage renal disease patients. TKF provides access to care by paying for the cost of transit for those who cannot afford it. Ensuring the individuals TKF serves can maintain or attain affordable housing near public transit is paramount to their ability to live their healthiest lives,” said Powell. “I’m honored to serve on this task force and make every effort to ensure equity, access, and affordability are at the center of the transit plan.”

Powell, wfv who has led TKF since June 2016, also has 13 years of experience in both affordable housing and medical housing.

About the Tennessee Kidney Foundation

The mission of the Tennessee Kidney Foundation (TKF) is to improve the health and well being of Tennesseans affected by kidney disease through education, prevention, treatment, advocacy and promotion of organ donation. Currently, more than 10,000 individuals (more than 1 in 8 adults) in Tennessee live with end stage renal disease and more than 2,600 individuals are waiting for a kidney transplant. TKF provides life-saving direct support and resources for thousands of patients as well as educational and prevention programming to both prevent the progression of kidney disease and educate the public about organ donation and transplantation.

For more information about Tennessee Kidney Foundation, call (615) 383-3887 or visit www.tennesseekidneyfoundation.org.

Media Contact
Heather Powell
Tennessee Kidney Foundation


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