Escape Artist By William A. Noguera Awarded Top-Ten Books By Debut Author — The William A. Noguera Trust
Released By Seven Stories Press, NY., Distributed By Penguin RandomHouse, Winter/Spring 2018. Presented By The American Booksellers Association, NY.

Escape Artist: Memoir of A Visionary Artist on Death Row By William A. Noguera
SAN FRANCISCO – Sept. 20, 2017 – PRLog — BOOK TITLE: Escape Artist: Memoir of A Visionary Artist on Death Row By William A. Noguera.
AUTHOR BIO: William A. Noguera is an award-winning artist, author and speaker, William A. Noguera has gained international attention and received accolades for his photographic hyper-realistic ink compositions, profound mixed-media paintings, hybridized abstract expressionism and neo-constructivist wall sculptures exhibiting in Paris, New York and San Francisco. Noguera has been the subject of over 35 articles in such publications as Forbes, The New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, and BOOM! A Journal of California. Besides being an artist and lecturer, Noguera is a former Hapkido Middle-Weight Champion.
Since writing his memoir, Noguera has aspired to help others through lectures at MBA programs and as a radio guest speaker, concentrating on prevention and intervention. Noguera’s inspiration is simple: pay his debt to society by creating art for charitable causes and encouraging others, and writing and speaking about what it takes to make progressive self-change and the continuous effort that is required for someone to have a positive influence on others.
Noguera’s talks share an eye-opening, thought-provoking narrative on the realities of wrongdoing, prison life, ethical responsibility, prison gangs, their culture, the ramifications of destructive behavior, and the rewards of constructive rehabilitation.
FOREWORD: Walter A. Pavlo Jr. is the co-author of Stolen Without A Gun: Contributions from Inside History’s Biggest Accounting Fraud, and a contributor to Pavlo is also a business professor and a professional-
OVERVIEW: William A. Noguera has spent 34 years at the notorious San Quentin Prison, home to the nation’s largest and deadliest death row. Each day, men plot against you and your life rests on a razor’s edge.
In Escape Artist: Memoir of A Visionary Artist on Death Row, he describes his personal growth as a man and artist and shares his insights into daily life and the fight to survive in the underworld of prison culture.
After being sentenced to death, he arrived at San Quentin Prison and was thrown into a rat-infested cell, it was there that he discovered the key to his escape: art. Over the next three decades, Noguera rebelled against conventional prison behavior, and instead forged the code he lives by today, accepting responsibility for his actions, and a self-imposed discipline of rehabilitation. In the process, he has explored his capacity to bring focus and clarity to his artistic vision.
An unexpected transcendent moment occurred while Noguera lay face down in the prison yard as guards fired shots at two men locked in battle. He realized the prisoners around him, their lives and experiences behind these walls, possessed significant worth.
Escape wfv Artist exposes the violence, politics and everyday existence within the underbelly of society that is prison life. Noguera’s story includes having been an abused child and a victim of racial discrimination and bullying. Ultimately, these challenges led him to the martial arts, and the lethal unknown side effects of Roid-Rage Syndrome caused by steroid use.
In an unprecedented narrative, Noguera reveals the emotional and heart-wrenching loss that landed him on death row and the journey he has taken to become an award-winning artist, speaker, and author, a tale of one man’s transformation through tragedy.
RELEASE: DATE: January 9th 2018.
PUBLISHER: Seven Stories Press.
FORMAT: Hardcover $28.95 | NOOK $24.99.
PAGES: 400.
DIMENSIONS: 5.75″ (w) x 8.75″ (h) inches.
ISBN-10: 1609807979.
ISBN-13: 978-1609807979.
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Seven Stories Press, NY: Founded in 1995, Seven Stories Press publishes works of the imagination and political titles by voices of conscience. Distributed by Penguin RandomHouse, the world’s largest trade book company.
COVER DESIGN: Stewart Cauley.
LITERARY AGENT: Margaret Bail.
American Booksellers Association, NY: Founded in 1900, a national not-for-profit trade organization that works to help independently owned bookstores grow and succeed. Core members are key participants in their communities’ local economy and culture, and provides education, information, business products, and services; creates relevant programs; and engages in public policy and industry advocacy. The ABA actively supports and defends free speech and the First Amendment rights of all Americans. A volunteer board of 11 booksellers governs the Association.
“Escape Artist is a gripping, sad, inspirational, and amazing story of being on death row in America’s worst prison and, more interestingly, the emotional journey that got Mr. Noguera into prison and how he evolved into a world-class artist and rehabilitated human being.” -Chris Morrow, Northshire Bookstore (Manchester Center, VT).
“William Noguera’s road from ‘the world’ to San Quentin prison was a hard one. Even harder was life in the confines of the prison for 34 years, on death row, awaiting his end. But that life brought him to a realization about the value of life and he turned to art to express his new-found ideas, insights, and feelings. An award-winning artist and speaker—and now an author as well—he wants to share the story of his move from roid-rage, caused by his use of steroids, to a new life—found where he expected his physical life to end. This is an insightful, encouraging autobiography that explains much and asks some hard questions about our system of justice and what it means to be a criminal.” -Linda Bond, Auntie’s Bookstore (Spokane, WA).
“This memoir is rich with sincere storytelling. It is inspiring to know that even in a harsh and unforgiving place like prison, it is possible for someone to produce such a creative expression. Noguera’s art goes beyond the physical bars to express themes that represent his experiences and ideas. Readers will find that Noguera is not only an award-winning visual artist, but he is also a model of compassion and generosity.”
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