Durham Sustain Ability Announces Exciting Changes to Their Pollinators for Durham Schools Contest — Durham Sustain Ability



WHITBY, OntarioDec. 11, 2017PRLog — Over the past 4 years, Durham Sustain Ability has hosted a contest for Durham Schools, using gamification to encourage youth to learn about pressing environmental issues. Elementary classes and eco clubs enter the contest by submitting an application demonstrating their knowledge on the subject of local pollinators.

The program was first introduced as Trees for Durham Schools in 2014 and has since evolved into Pollinator Gardens for Durham Schools, as pollinator health was identified as a significant issue. This year Durham Sustain Ability was pleased to provide 432 native plant species that support pollinators to the winning schools

“Durham Region supports a large farming community that relies on pollinators,” remarked Lauren Fowler, Durham Sustain Ability Marketing and Outreach Coordinator, “To be able to engage youth, see wfv their willingness to learn and have them involved in all stages of this program is encouraging and is a way to address the risks posed to food production in our community.”

In 2018, winners of the contest will not only receive pollinator plants, but Durham Sustain Ability hopes to be able to build raise garden beds with the help of local sponsors, to have a designated educational area or outdoor classroom on the school’s property.

Durham Sustain Ability is challenging business leaders in Durham Region, who see the benefit in financially supporting this program. The backing from the business community helps DSA to continue to improve the program and offer it for years to come.

“It is great to see students as young as the kindergarten level participating in answering questions on the contest application. That is why we do this – to get children thinking about the environment and the active role they play in protecting it from a young age” states Lauren Fowler

If you are interested in participating in the 2018 Pollinator Gardens for Durham Schools contest, or are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please contact Lauren@sustain-ability.ca


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