Apple Customer Support Employee Gets Latest Marshall Barnes Experiment Named For Her — Fame Plan
An Apple customer care employee, based in Georgia, was so helpful to Marshall Barnes R&D Eng, he decided to name his latest experiment in proving parallel universes, after her. Last one with that honor was Cher.

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SMYRNA, Ga. – Nov. 5, 2017 – PRLog — Her name is Tharessa and she works from home as an Apple tech support person on the phone, one of the many who field questions about Apple products every day. Thursday one of her first callers was the internationally noted R&D engineer, Marshall Barnes, who uses MacBook Pro and had a problem.
“People may think that because I’m a R&D engineer, that I may know a lot about computers. I don’t. I know how to use them but don’t have the knowledge of all the ins and outs of how they work. I guess I have the same relationship with computers that I do with cars – I’m a damn good driver but beyond the basics, I’m certainly no mechanic”.
Tharessa was very helpful with Marshall’s problem and he was grateful enough that he decided to name the experiment that he was planning on doing, later that day, after her. The experiment is the latest in the now, ever growing series that prove that retrocausality tests are actually producing new, parallel universe copies with different or “discontinuous”
All of the experiments are named for women and are nicked named, the “Gal’s Club”. The last one, done in time to be included in his special report, was named after the pop entertainer, Cher and was filmed to her song, If I Could Turn Back Time. The project umbrella name is the Heaven’s Falling project, because of the fact that the experiments are testing the limits of what can be known about the Participatory Universe model that the late physicist, John Archibald Wheeler, talked about. In some cases, the experiments have “fooled” the Participatory Universe into causing new parallel universe copies to appear with the laser results in a slightly different spot or one where it wasn’t the detection area but a transparent barrier before the detection area, such as one of the diffraction film sheets Marshall has been using from Rainbow Symphony.
It may all sound far fetched, however, Wheeler was a much esteemed physicist who was based out of Princeton, and famous for giving the name black holes to those collapsed stars with infinite gravity.
The Tharessa experiment, as it will be known now, involved an improvised beam splitter unlike the ones Marshall has previously used, along with a sheet of diffraction film from Rainbow Symphony and an electric fan as a shutter system to create the so-called “which-way-path”
“In this case,” Marshall explains, “I was looking at the idea of whether an object could serve as both a beam wfv splitter and detection area. The answer would be seen in whether or not anomalous hits appeared in only the area of the object that did not transmit the laser pulses. I could go into more detail but I have to save that for the journal paper.”
Marshall did indicate that the Tharessa experiment was a success in more ways than one.
“We’re up to 15 different experiments now, because I just did two others testing other aspects, and they were successful as well. So there is no doubt that we’re getting effects without a cause, just as German astrophysicist, Rainer Plaga predicted, that would prove parallel universes. That’s not 15 different tries at one experiment but 15 different ways of testing this idea, with even more to come. When the physicist saw the results of what he did and then the comparison between them and the same experiment that I did the night before, to test the set-up, he was satisfied. He’ll be writing the equations describing what is going on and other technical information, and I’ll be handling the conceptual and theoretical parts – what this all means, how it fits in with retrocausality, parallel universes, the Participatory Universe model and the nature of time, because it does all of that, seamlessly (see
Marshall has beaten some famous notables in the race to prove parallel universes real, including UConn’s Ronald Mallett, Tulane’s Frank Tipler and Nobel Prize winner, Frank Wilzcek (