Thiel College music professor records with trumpet trio for new spring CD release — Thiel College

Thiel College music professor Andrew Erb is part of The Northwest Passage Trumpet Trio, The group will release its first CD in the spring of 2018.



Thiel College music professor Andrew Erb to release CD.

Thiel College music professor Andrew Erb to release CD.


GREENVILLE, Pa.Nov. 27, 2017PRLog — The Northwest Passage Trumpet Trio, featuring Thiel College Professor of Music Andrew Erb, has recorded its first CD and is set for its release in the spring of 2018.

Allegheny College Professor of Music Jennifer Dearden, D.M.A., and Westminster College Professor of Music Timothy Winfield, D.M.A., complete the trio. Northwest Passage Trumpet Trio was created two years ago to promote chamber music of three trumpets. Trumpet trios are rare, and there is little literature composed for this configuration, Erb said. The trio’s mission is to perform the small repertoire that is available and to commission composers to add to this repertoire. The group’s inaugural recording occurred in June where they completed a week-long recording process in Sharon, Pa.

“Recording a CD was definitely a new experience for me,” Erb said. “It required a lot of patience, concentration, critical listening, and the ability to honestly assess your own playing after every take of every piece.” He also serves as Thiel’s ( Director of Bands.

The CD will be available for purchase locally and regionally through any of the trio members and at several locations to be determined, and worldwide on iTunes and other digital media outlets.

“Preparing for a recording is much different than preparing for a recital,” Erb said. “In a recital, your audience hears each note once, and then it dissipates, never to be heard again. You can sometimes get away with a not-so-perfect performance in recitals. Recordings are different. Every note, every articulation, every nuance is permanently stamped onto that disc and will be heard over and over again. You have to be much more precise and polished to produce a good recording.”

Along wfv with performing recitals and recording projects, the trio also presents clinics and workshops on chamber music, trumpet playing, arranging music for chamber ensembles, and general musicianship.

About Thiel College

Thiel College ( is a private liberal arts institution founded in the Lutheran tradition. Located in Greenville, Pa., the College offers 60 majors and minors, 25 varsity sports, and an 11:1 student-faculty ratio to more than 900 students. A dedicated faculty paired with dynamic research and internship opportunities produce numerous graduate school and job placements. Coeducational from its beginnings, the College celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2016 and remains committed to combining tradition with innovation.


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