Octopus TV Ltd launches The Octopus TV Failure Awards — Octopus TV Ltd
Octopus TV Ltd launches The Octopus TV Failure Awards recognising that if necessity is the mother of invention failure is the father of success. Send your nominations with full description and images to TOFA@OctopusTV.com

Andrew Eborn President Octopus TV & Dr Samuel West
WESTMINSTER, England – Oct. 15, 2017 – PRLog — Octopus TV Ltd launches The Octopus TV Failure Awards
Andrew Eborn, lawyer, presenter, producer and President of Octopus TV Ltd is in Cannes for the global launch of The Octopus TV Failure Awards (“TOFA”) series in association with The Museum of Failure recognising that failure is the key to success.
As Andrew Eborn, President of Octopus TV and founder of the Awards points out: ” We always celebrate success whilst hiding the failures that led to that success. The Octopus TV Failure Awards finally give failure the attention it deserves. If necessity is the mother of invention, failure is the father of success “
In the series Andrew Eborn shines a light on the products and services, brand extensions and campaigns that failed to take off
Nominations include:
Colgate Beef Lasagne – for that fresh minty taste
Juicero – the US$700 juicer that extracted US$120m from investors but was squeezed out this year
Nokia’s N-Gage – combining wfv a mobile game system with a smartphone – brilliant technology but the design sucked looking like a Taco phone
Legendary Harley Davison eau de toilet – as we all want to smell like a hairy biker after a hot day getting our kicks on Route 66
Octopus TV has formed a strategic alliance with The Museum of Failure The founder of the museum, Dr Samuel West explained:
“The idea for the physical “real” museum came to me after a visit to The Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb, Croatia. I had a “Eureka Moment” and realized that I needed to open a museum. They managed to convey an abstract concept with a simple exhibition of physical items and short texts. I’m really looking forward to collaborating with Andrew Eborn/Octopus TV. He seems to be just crazy enough…”
Andrew Eborn points out “From failed products and services to campaigns and ads we would rather forget, we want to encourage organisations and brands to be better at learning from failures not just ignoring them and pretending they never happened. Send your nominations with full description and images to TOFA@OctopusTV.com. In addition to international recognition and glittering prizes the winners will be featured in The Museum of Failure and receive the much valued TOFA
“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” – Henry Ford
“Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.”
“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”