Gainsborough baths lead the way in infection control at Care Show — Gainsborough Specialist Bathing

Gainsborough Specialist Bathing at the Care Show 2017.
REDDITCH, England – Oct. 13, 2017 – PRLog — Gainsborough Specialist Bathing, the leading specialist in power assisted baths for the care sector, has successfully showcased its in-built anti-microbial technology at the Care Show (stand D10, 10-11 October, NEC, Birmingham).
Gainsborough demonstrated a selection of baths which included the Gentona hi-lo with detachable bather transfer seat and integrated BioCote anti-microbial protection. The ergonomic Gentona is a highly efficient bathing solution that reduces utility consumption and bathing cycle times so cost savings are delivered without compromising care. Its reliable functionality provides safe bather transfers and its BioCote Silver Ion technology delivers 99.99% protection against Influenza H1N1, E.coli, Salmonella and antibiotic resistant CRO, CRE, VRE and MRSA. BioCote is a highly established solution developed over 20 years however Gainsborough’s inclusion of its anti-microbial properties within assisted baths is a world’s first.
Gordon Farmiloe, Owner of Gainsborough Specialist Bathing, comments: “We believe manufacturers have a duty of care in terms of infection control. This is why we have integrated BioCote technology into our latest range of market leading bathing solutions so the health of service users with compromised immunity is protected. Combined with the reduced risk of illness for caregivers, our power baths help deliver moving and handling best practice and provide operational savings on many levels. It was a pleasure to explain the clinical and commercial advantages of choosing Gainsborough wfv baths to so many professionals visiting our stand at the Care Show.”
Gainsborough takes prides in its position at the forefront of assisted bathing. The introduction of BioCote into its manufactured baths represents a significant advancement in the fight against ‘super bugs’ as it is proven to protect the health of vulnerable patients. Enhancing infection control and minimizing cross-infection is a priority within the long term and acute care sectors – with the procurement of Gainsborough facilities managers can help meet these challenges. The effectiveness of deep cleaning continues to decrease as microbes become increasingly more resistant to standard or even specialist disinfectants. Hence the inclusion of BioCote reduces the risk of illness within care homes and hospitals, resulting in improved care provision and reduced pressure on staffing.
With BioCote technology integrated during the manufacturing process microbes cannot survive or breed on bathing surfaces so vulnerable service users are protected 24/7. It is effective for the lifetime of the Gainsborough bath and cannot be washed off or worn away – delivering continual reassurance for bathers and care providers without the need for time-intensive deep cleaning.
Alongside the Gentona baths at the Care Show Gainsborough demonstrated the reclining Sentes bath. The Sentes is a cost effective solution for advanced care and offers a smooth reclining action for additional postural support.
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