WRDE-COAST TV’s Anthony Joseph to Emcee Rehoboth Beach Walk to End Alzheimer’s, September 30 — Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley Chapter

Anthony Joseph
PHILADELPHIA – Sept. 21, 2017 – PRLog — When as many as 500 people gather at Grove Park to participate in the Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley Chapter annual Rehoboth Beach Walk to End Alzheimer’s®, Saturday, September 30, they will be greeted by a familiar face: Anthony Joseph of the walk’s television presenting sponsor, WRDE-NBC COAST TV. Joseph, a Sussex County native, is the station’s sports journalist.
Check-in begins in Grove Park at 8:30 a.m., followed by the Promise Garden Ceremony at 9:45 a.m. The Walk to End Alzheimer’s along the boardwalk takes place at 10:15 a.m.
In an added feature to the Promise Garden Ceremony, two-year old Bodie Reilly, will hold a single white flower. The toddler is the son of Dewey Beer Co. owner and head brewer, Michael Reilly and wife Kim, who lost her father John Angus to Alzheimer’s disease. The Reillys say his loss continues to be the biggest reason they dedicate themselves to supporting the Alzheimer’s cause.
On the day of the walk, there will be sponsor tables filled with promotional materials and giveaways for walkers to take home and entertainment, such as:
· Live music performed by 60s & 70s band, IMAGINE
· “Princess Belle” character
· Snacks courtesy of Redner’s Markets
· Coffee provided by Arena’s
· Raffles and prizes
Walk to End Alzheimer’s registration is open for anyone wishing to join a team or start their own with family, friends or coworkers at http://alz.org/
The Delaware Valley Chapter will host several other Walk to End Alzheimer’s events throughout the region. A second Delaware walk takes place Saturday, Oct. 21 at Riverfront Wilmington. In South Jersey, there are walks Sunday, Oct. 8 in Atlantic City at Kennedy Plaza and Boardwalk Hall and Saturday, Oct. 14 in Millville at New Jersey Motorsports Park. In Southeastern Pennsylvania, the Berks Campus of Penn State will be the site of the Reading walk, Saturday, Oct. 7 and the chapter’s final and biggest walk takes place in Philadelphia, Saturday, Nov. 11 at Citizens Bank Park, where at least 10,000 supporters are expected to participate.
The entire Delaware Valley Chapter Walk to End Alzheimer’s event series is presented by Genesis HealthCare. WRDE-TV is a first-time sponsor of the Rehoboth walk.
About Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of aging. It is a degenerative wfv brain disease that causes severe memory loss and changes to thinking abilities and behavior that interfere with daily life. As the disease progresses, one eventually becomes unable to care for oneself. Alzheimer’s is the sixth-leading cause of death in the nation, and the only one of the top 10 with no cure, way to prevent it, or even slow its progression. There are no survivors. The most common type of dementia, Alzheimer’s affects 5.5 million people in the United States, including an estimated 200,000 who are not yet age 65 and have Younger-Onset Alzheimer’s. Without a major scientific breakthrough, the number of Americans with Alzheimer’s is projected to nearly triple to 16 million by 2050.
About the Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley Chapter
The Alzheimer’s Association® is the world leader in Alzheimer’s research and support. The Delaware Valley Chapter, headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the local arm of the national nonprofit organization, and operates Regional and Branch Offices that serve 18 counties in Delaware, South Jersey, and Southeastern Pennsylvania. The Chapter provides programs and services to more than 294,000 individuals and their families who are affected by Alzheimer’s or a related disorder. The Chapter’s Delaware Regional Office is located at 240 N. James Street, Newport, DE 19804 and its Sussex County Branch Office is in Georgetown at 108 North Bedford Street. Information about the chapter and the disease is available at http://alz.org/