The Added Value Benefits of The Lifetime Montessori School Method — Lifetime Montessori school
Teachers, Parents, Montessori Method and Campus Life Are All Ingredients in Building an Award-Winning Toddler, Preschool and Elementary School

Lifetime Montessori School Method
SAN DIEGO – Oct. 30, 2017 – PRLog — Recently, Lifetime Montessori School in Santaluz has earned two San Diego County awards: ‘Top 3 Preschools’ and, the ‘People Like Us on Yelp’ award for overwhelmingly positive reviews by parents.
After recording the highest number of 5 Star Yelp reviews of every Montessori school in San Diego a second consecutive year, we asked Lifetime Montessori School’s administrator the reasons for the school’s success.
“I think our success is coming from managing many details in four core areas,” Kristin Edwards, M.Ed., co-founder of LMS, says. “First, it’s the teachers who love and nurture your children from toddler programs through elementary school. As the same teachers work with the same students year after year, we develop a deep understanding about each child and his or her strengths. This individualized child development—
Parental Cooperation and Our Community
“The second area we are always working on is ensuring that our parents understand how Montessori is different from traditional schools,” Edwards said. “As teachers, we strive to help our parents understand that children learn by doing for themselves and that they should let their kids continue that philosophy when they leave the classroom each afternoon.
Simultaneously, we strive to embrace the surrounding communities where our families live via yearly events. In that way, we collaborate and cooperate toward building an interweaving fabric of trust and love for the child at school, at home and in the community.”
The Classroom
“The Montessori Method is the third and most engrossing part of daily successes,” Edwards continued. “For example, our classes employ an age range of children rather than having many students all of the same age. As a result, the youngest children observe the oldest children and learn how to undertake tough wfv tasks via empathetic methods. If they make a mistake, that’s okay! That teaches the young ones that the road to mastery is lined with mistakes—and with every miscue we create a pathway to future success.”
Physical Facility
“Fourth, Edwards said, “Lifetime Montessori’s campus is a vibrant, joyful, playful and learning place where kids learn, grow and manage not just themselves but their immediate surroundings. We have gardens, play fields, enrichment classes and ample room.”
The Lifetime Montessori School Method and Intention
At Lifetime Montessori School, our focus is independence. We teach students to see that they’re capable of handling learning, managing themselves and understanding their place in their world.
Early student lessons focus on learning about themselves, how to tie shoes, how to work with water (and, yes, spill it and make mistakes). We want them to focus on doing and overcome the frustration of making mistakes; thus, our kids learn to read or multiply and they’re not overwhelmed because they’ve been taught practical life skills upfront. Our students get individual lessons and go at their own pace. They master skills and learn concepts at their own speed. As a result, they become self-motivated in learning how to learn, how to manage, figure things out and grasp ever more complex tasks.
“We’re really honored to know that in our 10th year, all our hard work is being recognized by independent groups,” Edwards said. “We take child development seriously via the Montessori Method and we’re helping create confident, self-motivated leaders with every new school day.”
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Lifetime Montessori School serves 200 children aged 18 months to nine years in toddler, preschool and elementary school programs. The school is located within the Interstate 5 and 15 corridors in the heart of San Diego County.