Socrates Journal invites paper submission for June 2018 issue —
The journal has recently published its fresh issue and is now ready to take new reviews.

Call for papers 2018
KANPUR, India – April 23, 2018 – PRLog — Socrates, the international, multi-disciplinary, refereed and indexed journal has invited unpublished Manuscripts and Research papers for review and consideration of publication in it’s “VOL. 6 NO.2 (2018) ISSUE -JUNE” to be Published in JUNE – 2018. Deadline for full paper submission is May 15, 2018. Interested Researchers are invited to review the About the Journal page for the journal’s section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process. In case you do not like to use the online submission system; which allows you to track the progress and the status of your paper online, you can submit your paper through the “Quick Submit” paper submission portal on the footer of e-journal’s website at
Please note:
❖ There is no article submission fee.
❖ There is no article review fee.
❖ There is no article publication fee.
❖ Published Authors would be provided with one copy of their published full issue without any fee; (Print copy if the author is from India, E-Copy, if the author is from overseas).
SOCRATES is a serious Scholarly journal with an aim to promote and enhance research in the following four Disciplines:
(The Library of Congress Classification)
1. Language and Literature:
A. English Literature
2. Philosophy
3. Politics, #Law and #Governance:
A. Political science
B. Law
Information For Authors:
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