Prolific Press Publishes Counter Point by Laura Rodley, Love on the Whydah takes readers by storm! — Prolific Press Inc.
Laura Rodley lands a full publishing contract with Prolific Press Inc, a Pennsylvania publisher with a history of discovering little known writers with big talent. This time is no different, readers are smitten with Rodley’s pirate love poems.

Counter Point by Laura Rodley
JOHNSTOWN, Pa. – April 23, 2018 – PRLog — Counter Point is another release by the acclaimed publishing house, Prolific Press. After scouring hundreds of manuscripts by both professional and aspiring authors, Laura Rodley has been awarded a prestigious contract for full publishing. Copies are already available at Amazon, and due to Prolific’s impressive distribution chain, booksellers have listed Counter Point for sale all over the world. Counter Point is available in the Prolific Press bookstore (link below) and at fine booksellers everywhere.
Counter Point is a love story with an unlikely heroine who finds more than she bargained for on the high seas. Set on the Whydah, the world’s most famous pirate ship, larceny is lustfully obvious, but Rodley really steals our hearts with her poetic language that is as poignant as it is versatile. Unlike many other books of its kind, Counter Point is approachable, and listed as poetry, though the story unfolds as a longer work of fiction. Despite its appeal to scholarly and alternative markets, this is a love story, and readers agree, they are in love. These are the kinds of books Prolific Press is known for—diamonds among the rocky shoals of the eroding sea of literature today.
What are others saying about this book?
Laura Rodley’s remarkable poems transport you to the North Atlantic in the early 1700s. Novelistic in scope, Counter Point uses scene, dialogue, and action-driven narrative. And like any good novel, this book introduces an unforgettable character, Marie, an ordinary girl (“A laundress wears no jewelry on her / hands, only the roses of chapped skin.”) who navigates the world with extraordinary fortitude. Artful language and sensual detail–whether evoking love’s first desires (“and here we splice open our shirts / like oysters after plucking / and just as lush.”) or describing the malodors of a pirate ship (“even the smell of their feet / had a noise called squelching.”)—
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