Phoenix, Arizona Joins the List of Cities Involved in Hip Hop 4 the People a Multi-City Fundraiser — Hip Hop 4 the People Arizona
Hip Hop 4 the People has made a call to action to mobilize multiple cities for a day of unity and service to assist in Hurricane Relief for Houston, Florida, and the Caribbean so the Arizona community has joined the list of participants.

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PHOENIX – Sept. 26, 2017 – PRLog — Hip Hop 4 The People is the third in a series of events designed to mobilize multiple cities for a day of unity and service in the wake of recent unexpected disasters. Inspired over seven years ago the first was Hip Hop for Haiti, where 32 cities gathered leaders, youth, and supporters of the Hip Hop community for a fundraiser to assist earthquake relief in Haiti. From the huge response and support , founder Yonasda Lonewolf (national oraganizer/activist and hip hop artist) decided to do it again. In 2016, a call to action was made and Hip Hop 4 Flint was created. Forty two cities came together internationally to assist with this mission and as a result of the efforts 200 homes received reverse osmosis systems. The present day crisis upon us is the recent Hurricanes which have devistated many lives epecially in empoverished communities in Houston, Florida, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. A call to action is being made to all cities to organize and again become a part of a muti-city live streamed event to aid those recently devistated by Hurricanes through the southern part of the US and Phoenix Arizona is happy to join the list.
This Saturday September 30, 12 cities will unite again promoting the culture of Hip Hop and the community to raise relief supplies and monetary donations to aid the people of Houston, Florida, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.This third instalment has been named” Hip Hop 4″ called ” Hip Hop 4 the people: Hurricane Relief for Houston, Florida and the Caribbean”. In additon cities will broadcast their event via LIve Steam on .
The strengh that hip hop encompasses will bring together the community like no other, because hip hop is UNIVERSAL! -Hip Hop 4
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Multiple levels of sponsorships are available, and each opportuniy includes customization to meet diverse marketing needs both locallyand nationaly. for more information please conact you local Hip Hop 4 the People organizers. Hip Hop 4 The People is a partner organization with Freeworld Foundation Inc, a non profit 501(c)(3) orgaization.
Hip Hop 4 The People Arizona :
The city of Phoenix, Arizona will be hosting their edition of wfv Hip Hop 4 The People and will call it “Hip Hop 4 The People AZ” on September 30, 2017 from 1pm – 5 pm at The Katz Motorcycle Clubhouse 703 N. 20th Street Phoenix, Arizona. We are focusing our Hurricane relief efforts on collecting hygiene items, cleaning supplies and will supply collections to our sisters and brother in Houston,TX. Hip Hop 4 The People AZ is happy to welcome local partnerships such as the Phoenix Ruff Ryder Chapter to assist with the logistics. In addition, the venue has been donated by The Katz MC Phoenix Chapter. We are networking with 10,000 Fearless to assist with transportation of colleced items. A $5 donation or hygiene item is requested for entry. There will be food and beverage specials, live entertainment provided by DJ Cutter, as well as local artist perfomances including City Lyfe MTV’s Hannibal Leq. We are accepting more artists and others will be announced soon. We can never have enough support! For more information on how to assist Phoenix, Arizona in becoming a vendor, entertainer, sponsor or Media you are welcomed to email us at HipHop4ThePeopleAZ@