Leesa Robinson announces Enchantment US Pageant — Leesa Robinson Agency INC

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Nov. 25, 2017 – PRLog — Introducing Miss Gaenor Thompson the new CEO for Enchantment U. S. Pageant. Miss Thompson has been very involved within the pageant world for quite some time holding state and national titles. Miss Thompson is working alongside Leesa Robinson as President of Enchantment U. S. Pageant system to help mentor within the community. Miss Thompson believes in the three E’s in; educating, encouraging and empowering women to succeed. Miss Thompson is very active within the community giving of her time working with charities bringing awareness to several important issues such as; Domestic Violence, Veterans Programs, Cancer Awareness, PTSD and other amazing programs. Miss Thompson has an amazing team to assist her with the pageant system. Mrs. April Lynch is the current reigning Ms. Lady New Mexico EUSP – Director of Community Affairs, Ms. Gina CeDebaca our current reigning Ms. Elite New Mexico EUSP – Director of Communications, Mrs. Amy Gagne our current Mrs. New Mexico EUSP – Director of Communications, Mrs. Stevie Gomez our current Miss New Mexico EUSP – Director of IT and Hope Gomez Little Miss Elite New Mexico – Director of our Princess Division.
Leesa Robinson Talent Agency is going to shake up the pageant world. We have opened up our pageant system wfv to all genders. We will work with ages 5 on up, and we are excited to expand and work within the LGBT community and combine this into an amazing pageant system. We will be a community service pageant system and not require swim suite category to be judged. We believe beauty is within and can be shown within the work one has done within the community, family and life events.
If you are interested in joining please feel free to reach out! New Mexico categories are almost filled, Nevada has 1 amazing queen several opportunities left in all states. We would love to have some amazing kings to represent their state!
Keep checking back on http://www.leesarobinson.com for updates on new companies and projects.