HONK! Fest surge w/27+ Bands, Kickstarter Countdown, & Volunteer Recruiting … runs Oct. 6-8, 2017 — HONK! Festival
HONK! Festival’s 12th Annual Festival of Activist Street Bands, this year totalling 27+, and including a wide variety of musical / sociopolitical events planned in Somerville, Cambridge, & Boston. Free and open to all.

HONK! Festival Band: Damas de Ferro from Rio de Janeiro
SOMERVILLE, Mass. – Sept. 22, 2017 – PRLog — For twelve years now, the HONK! Festival of Activist Street Bands (http://honkfest.org/)
This year’s HONK! will include all the features that have compelled thousands of participants to return year after year — family friendly Lantern Parades through the neighborhoods of Somerville; continuous free performances by dozens of HONK! bands all day in Davis Square; the venerable HONK! Parade down Massachusetts Avenue to “Reclaim the Streets for Horns, Bikes, and Feet,” followed by a full afternoon of HONK! performances at Oktoberfest in Harvard Square.
There will be way more than enough music for everyone. This year the HONK! bands total 27+, featuring many of the usual suspects, who come from all over the US. In addition, there will be many new bands, including two new all-women bands, Damas de Ferro from Rio de Janeiro and Seattle’s Filthy FemCorps.
The complete list of 27+ HONK! bands (with band links at honkfest.org/
aNova Brazil (Somerville, MA); Black Sheep Ensemble (Atlanta, GA); Boycott (Somerville, MA); The Brass Balagan (Burlington, VT); Brass Liberation Orchestra (San Francisco, CA); The Bread and Puppet Circus Band (Glover, VT); Caka!ak Thunder (Greensboro, NC); Chaotic Noise Marching Corps (Seattle, WA); Damas de Ferro (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); Dead Music Capital Band (Austin, TX); Dirty Water Brass Band (Boston, MA); Emperor Norton’s Stationary Marching Band (Somerville, MA); Expandable Brass Band (Northampton, MA); Extraordinary Rendition Band (Providence, RI); The Filthy FemCorps (Seattle, WA);Forward!
HONK! is a non-profit, with a very limited budget. The annual Kickstarter fundraiser is now in full swing: www.honkfest.org/
HONK! is also anall-volunteer organization, where many hands lighten the impressive list of festival to-dos. All who are interested in experiencing the strong sense of camaraderie that HONK! generates, can email volunteer@honkfest.org plus housing@honkfest.org. Visit honkfest.org/
For complete information and continuous updates on the HONK! Festival, visit www.honkfest.org, www.facebook.com/
Basic listings information:
HONK! Festival
Festival of activist street bands.
October 6-8, 2017
Various neighborhoods throughout Somerville, Cambridge, and Boston.
Rain or shine; free and open to all.
For further information: