Ernestine Shepherd, 81 Year Old ‘Bodybuilder’, “Pumps Up” FCA/Chrysler — A3Marketing – Steve G
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MS. Shepherd @ FCA Headquarters
CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. – Oct. 27, 2017 – PRLog — One of the most amazing stories ever! Michael Palese follows the journey of this 81 year old woman who has broken every ‘age barrier’ from here, to infinity – you tell me, would anyone ever believe that Ernestine Shepherd is an octarian… I don’t think so….
SEE IT – BELIEVE IT – ACHIEVE IT / Gary Mathews Motors Is Winning….
FCA US conducted a health fair on October 24, which featured more than 50 vendors, to give employees the full scope of the Company’s health and wellness offerings.
To inspire employees, the Company invited Ernestine Shepherd as the event’s featured speaker. Ernestine is a personal trainer, a professional model, a competitive bodybuilder and, in 2010, the World’s Oldest Performing Female Bodybuilder, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
At 81 years young and ripped, Ernestine shared her personal health and fitness journey that actually began when she was 56.
“I first got into fitness with my sister Mildred,” Ernestine said. “We went swimsuit shopping one day and were unhappy about the way we looked in the mirror. Instead of lamenting about our bodies, we decided to make a change, get into shape and become the best version of ourselves.”
From there, the sisters started going to the gym together.
“We would match our workout clothes in different colors and it was a way we bonded. We were so close to each other. It was actually Mildred’s idea for us to become the oldest female bodybuilders and we would stand out from the rest because we were sisters,” she said.
Ernestine made a promise to her sister to live a healthy lifestyle and to inspire others to do the same.
Mildred’s unexpected passing hit Ernestine hard.
“One night, my sister came to me in a dream and told me to get up and fulfill our dream. I woke up the next day and became determined to overcome the challenges I was facing and decided wfv to keep that commitment and continue what we started.”
Ernestine shares about her amazing journey to health and fitness to audiences all over America. FCA/Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram FIAT/ Gary Mathews Motors Salutes Ernestine Shepherd for her Outstanding Accomplishments!!!
About Gary Mathews Motors Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram
Gary Mathews Motors is a Premier Dealership with Over 40 years of Proven, Professional, Personal Service, Providing a Quality Product for All Customers.
Gary Mathews is a faithful supporter of The Troops from Ft. Campbell, hosting charity events and Gary Mathews Dealerships also support The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office and provided bullet proof & stab resistant vests for the dogs of the K9 Unit [ @ a special ceremony in 2014]
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