DTR Inc CEO Jay Goldberg Turns His Popular Rock Music Courses Into a New Radio Show, Rock on Neon — DTR Inc.
The two hour radio show is on Saturday mornings starting at 9:00 AM EST on Neon Music Radio, an Internet radio station owned by Bert Gagnon. The show plays music from the late 1960s up until today.

Rock on Neon Radio Show
DELRAY BEACH, Fla. – Oct. 23, 2017 – PRLog — Jay Goldberg teaches a number of courses including rock music history, rock music genealogy and how to start, grow and manage a business which is an entrepreneurship course.
In creating his Rock on Neon on Neon Music Radio show, Mr. Goldberg used the principles of his entrepreneurship course to create a unique and entertaining music radio show that incorporates some of the information from his rock music history and rock music genealogy courses.
Knowing that people can listen to specific music whenever they want, wherever they are, on a multitude of devices, for free; Mr. Goldberg came up with a couple of value-added propositions for his show. So while the music is the star of the show; the show is about more than just the music.
The first is that the show provides interesting and fun information on the artists and songs played on the radio show. The information ranges from how artists started in the business, to how their band names were chosen, to their chart performance, to how bands broke up, to interesting stories during artists’ careers, to how the artist and/or song played was used in pop culture, to more.
Next, the show’s slogan is “some that you recognize and some that you hardly even heard of” which is a quote from the song Celluloid Heroes by The Kinks written by Ray Davies. So music is played from artists played on traditional radio, some well known, some not well known (this goes for the songs played by those artists as well), and from independent artists from around the world with whom many will be unfamiliar. Therefore, without inundating listeners with a barrage of songs and/or artists they will not be familiar with, there will be opportunities, on every show, for individuals to discover new songs from new artists as well as find new favorites from artists they know and love already.
Another wfv unique feature for Jay Goldberg’s Rock on Neon radio show is that on his live show he plays about one-third independent artists. Most live shows that play independent artists play just independent artists or play an overwhelming majority of independent artists. In a manner of speaking, they are culled from the music herd. On Rock on Neon, these independent artists are, most often, played in a set of three songs whereby the other two songs are from more established and well known artists. The independent artists played are some of the best in the world so their music is treated with respect and played on a live show as an equal to those more established and well known artists. Usually, when this happens on other stations, if it happens at all, it is during random freestyle play with no live deejay.
Find out more about the show, listen to the show, download a free app to listen on your phone and join the live chat at http://www.dtrconsulting.biz/