Dialogue with Three Chords continues their seventh season with THE REBEL SOUND OF FU*KIN’ AROUND — Dialogue with Three Chords

Flyer for D3C;’s The Rebel Sound of Fu*kin’ Around
NEW YORK – Sept. 21, 2017 – PRLog — Dialogue with Three Chords (D3C) continues their seventh season of indie theatre in Greenwich Village with THE REBEL SOUND OF FU*KIN’ AROUND, written by Stephen Gracia and directed by Michael LoPorto.
The full-length original play, which reunites two college-age men who dated each other in high school, starts at 8pm on Thursday, September 28, downstairs at Mr. Dennehy’s on 63 Carmine Street, New York, NY 10014. Admission is free with a $5 suggested donation.
“The Rebel Sound of Fu*kin’ Around” is the story of Jackson and Lyndon, former high school boyfriends, now home-from-college hook-ups, who discuss the state of their relationship in a Dairy Queen parking lot. Amid tales of violence and unsafe sex, Jackson and Lyndon confront their very different personal histories.
Gracia described it as “a play about origin stories, sidekicks, traditions, and prayers that must be destroyed immediately wfv after the amen.” It’s a full-length reworking of a short play of the same name written by Gracia and directed by LoPorto that debuted at the first performance of D3C, which they co-founded in 2011. As a short play, it was also performed at Dixon Place in 2013, but next week’s show marks the first time this updated and expanded version has ever been performed.
“The Rebel Sound of Fu*kin’ Around,” along with the other two full-length plays featured this fall, revolve around the concept of ephemera. Gracia noted that the words are ” driven by specific moments,” Gracia said, “and the weight of everything that comes after.”
In the nearly seven years that D3C has produced original indie plays in Greenwich Village, the group has been building towards mounting full productions of that work. While this season of plays is something of a proving ground for that undertaking, the group will continue the monthly DIY theatre nights that form the spine of their mission to bring free, original, punk rock basement theatre to New York City.
More information on Dialogue with Three Chords can be found at http://www.facebook.com/
THE REBEL SOUND OF FU*KIN’ AROUND features: Mike Nemeth, Edward Miskie, Jeffrey T. Perri, and Tess Richie.
Dialogue with Three Chords was founded by Stephen Gracia and Michael LoPorto and applies the do-it-yourself philosophy of punk to the stage and features short plays and live music. Their work has also been produced at HERE Arts Center, Dixon Place, The SOHO Gallery of Digital Art, Sargent Theatre, Makor Theater, DUMBO Theatre Exchange, Levenson Hall at Brooklyn College, and the Theaters at 45 Bleecker.