Coinstreet Partners collaborate with The Tokenizer to promote GOIR — Norfico/The Tokenizer

To further promote the Global Online Investor Roadshow (GOIR) Asia-based Coinstreet Partners has entered into a partnership with The Tokenizer – the dedicated security token information platform based in Denmark.



COPENHAGEN, DenmarkJune 3, 2020PRLog — The geographical distance of approximately 8,600 kilometres between the two partners doesn’t prevent them from working closely together as Coinstreet Partners and The Tokenizer were both born with a global scope and operate globally.

So does the Global Online Investor Roadshow (GOIR), which is a new initiative by Coinstreet Partners in direct response to the current COVID-19 crisis and its harsh implications on the ability for companies to meet potential investors to pitch new ideas and projects physically.

To overcome this highly critical obstacle, Coinstreet Partners as the first investment company in the world decided to move their physical roadshows online with GOIR and at the same time make the roadshows truly global, operating in several time zones and with a simultaneous interpretation of the shows in no less than fifteen languages.

GOIR is the next generation, institutional scale, online private placement platform for private equity, alternative investment, and digital asset opportunities. It is the biggest online investor roadshow of its kind with the broadest reach, spanning across thirty (30) countries. The main objective with GOIR is to allow its carefully curated investor community gain priority access to exclusive global private investment opportunities on special favourable terms.”

GOIR supported by The Tokenizer

To help promote GOIR further, Coinstreet Partners has entered into a partnership with The Tokenizer, which is one of the world’s leading information platforms within the emerging industry of security tokens and tokenization.

Samson Lee says about the partnership:

“A majority of the projects pitching to investors through GOIR are utilizing the new and revolutionizing model of Security Token Offerings (STO), which means that investors are buying shares in the projects via blockchain-based digital representation called security tokens. The Tokenizer is 100% dedicated to the emerging industry of security tokens, and we are very pleased to establish a strategic partnership between GOIR and The Tokenizer.”

Editor-in-Chief of The Tokenizer, Michael Juul Rugaard, says:

“Asset tokenization is a direct result of the ever-increasing levels of digitization across the world, and in that way digitization of the physical investor pitch as well makes a lot of sense. The current COVID-19 crisis has further accelerated this trend as all options for off-line activities have been extremely limited. Embracing this fact and launching of GOIR goes to show how innovative a company Coinstreet Partners is. The idea of GOIR is great, and we certainly like to support it as paving the way for more STOs is obviously in the interest of The Tokenizer.”

Next GOIR event in June

The next GOIR event will be held on June 8th-11th, with four sessions covering the four regions of Asia, Middle East & Africa, Europe, Americas across the four days. Each session will include a state of the market keynote from industry experts and presentations from high-quality projects that are carefully selected from a judging panel composed of experienced investment bankers and professional investors. All speeches and presentations will be simultaneously interpreted from English into fifteen languages.

This is a by-invitation-only event; please contact to obtain registration code. For more information, please go to (


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