Arizona Pro Arte launches new live music series in Phoenix: “Music Explorer’s Guide” — Arizona Pro Arte
The Arizona Pro Arte “Music Explorer’s Guide” series is more than just live music concerts. The concerts are invitations to listen, think, and explore what music does for the mind, body and spirit – exactly where listeners are right now.

Music Explorer’s Guide: Mozart
PHOENIX – Oct. 1, 2017 – PRLog — Arizona Pro Arte has been bringing unique and memorable classical music events to the valley for years, and now they’re introducing the Music Explorer’s Guide Series beginning Friday, October 20, 2017.
The “Listening Guide” Concept
The role of the Listening Guide is to talk to the audience, engage with them, put them at ease and lead them in a structured listening exercise before the performances and a quick debrief session afterwards. The Guide may give information about the works as well as ask the audience to consider their barriers to listening to classical music.
The Listening Guide explains that whatever impressions the audience receives and creates during the performance is right, valid and uniquely theirs. No one can ever refute or belittle or change their relationship with this piece of music. They have now made permanent and personal friendship with a few works of classical music, and that friendship is like a tiny garden that will grow to fuller magnificence every time they hear it again over an entire lifetime.
The Inaugural Event – Arizona Pro Arte’s Music Explorer’s Guide: Mozart’s Quintet K. 452
The Inaugural Listening Guide event will offer audience members some basic listening tools in a friendly and disarming way so listeners are a little freer to develop their idea of what classical music wfv is all about.
Audience members are invited to bring their casual clothes, an appetite and an open, fun attitude to the University Club of Phoenix for a night of musical exploration at the Music Explorer’s Guide: Mozart. Arizona Pro Arte will provide a real-life “Listening Guide” who will make audience members think, feel and laugh with a performance of Mozart’s Quintet K. 452.
WHAT: Arizona Pro Arte’s Music Explorer’s Guide: Mozart
WHEN: 7:30 pm – October 20, 2017
WHERE: University Club of Phoenix, 39 E Monte Vista Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85004
HOW MUCH: $35 per person (includes hors d’oeuvre)
Marc Goldstick, oboe
Mary Jackson, clarinet
Kristilyn Woods, bassoon
Martha Sharpe, horn
Michael Shui, piano
Donald Harvey, Listening Guide
When the last hors d’oeuvre has been eaten, the last glass of wine swallowed, and the last instrument put back into its case, the audience will feel a little closer to this musical tradition that most everyone agrees should be preserved and continued.
Because the Guide has given some basic listening tools in a friendly and disarming way, listeners will be a little freer to develop their idea of classical music is all about.